LSU Tigers first baseman Tre' Morgan had an unbelievable season that was capped off with a national championship. He also managed to get selected for the 2023 College World Series All-Tournament team with his production.
Standing in at 6-foot-1, 215 pounds, Morgan could be a valuable asset as he has shown in college at less than 21 years old. What do we know about him and what should we expect out of Tre' Morgan going forward?
What is Tre' Morgan's net worth?
Morgan's net worth is not publicly known at this point. He can be getting some solid name, image, and likeness (NIL) money from being a top player for the national champions and that will only help whatever the number is continue to grow.
What song does Tre' Morgan use as his walk-up song?
When you hear NBA Youngboy's "Slime Belief" going out over the speaker system, you know that Morgan is getting ready to enter the left-handed batter's box. It is unclear why he chose that song in particular but the popularity of it definitely is a solid hypothesis.
What has Tre' Morgan done for the LSU Tigers?
The LSU Tigers have been doing well with Morgan in the middle of the lineup as he has a .921 OPS, .332 batting average, .424 on base percentage, .497 slugging percentage, 20 home runs, 149 RBIs, and 85 walks compared to 100 strikeouts.
Morgan was able to step up during the 2023 season as he had a .921 OPS with nine homers, 53 RBI, 66 runs scored, and crowding the plate with 18 hit by pitches. He also was able to play a solid first base as he has a .989 fielding percentage with just 14 errors over the course of three seasons in the field.
Can Tre' Morgan find a new home in the 2023 MLB draft?
Morgan has one of the best contact skills in the entire Southeastern Conference (SEC) and has the potential to win multiple Gold Glove Awards with how he mans first base. However, he does not possess the power that is traditionally at the first base position.
Morgan does not have a lot of speed and when he struggles, he is rolling over pitches and hitting them into the ground. If he can fix his swing path a little to make sure he does not lose his mechanics, it will make him an even more feared hitter.
Expect teams to be interested in the fourth or fifth round of the draft, as scouts are going to be interested as an option in the later picks in the 2023 MLB draft.
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