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Star: Kris Jenner is an alcoholic, Bruce told the kids hes going to file for divorce

I was in CVS yesterday buying some deep conditioning treatment (sidenote: I may have to switch my hair dye to henna, my hair is beat from Clairol) when I saw the new cover of Star, above. At first I wondered if it was new, because my local CVS gets behind with the tabloids, but I realized I would have remembered it, since it’s genuis. This photo is great, right? Plus it’s on Star, not In Touch, which has run several variations of the “Kris Jenner is a monster” cover. They’ve even done this drunk angle before, and Star must have realized it was working for In Touch so they’re on the bandwagon too. (They also jumped on the “Kim Kardashian pregnancy weight gain” train last week, but In Touch did it first!)

The story inside doesn’t sound entirely new, we’ve heard most of it before, about how Kris drinks in the middle of the day, and how Khloe recorded a video of her mom drunk at a basketball game with the message “My mom is f’king drunk. What else is new?” We’ve also heard that her marriage to Bruce Jenner is on the rocks and that divorce is imminent. Only Star claims that Bruce is ready to file papers and that he’s announced it to their kids.

The Kardashian-Jenner clan spent Easter together as a family this year… but after the festivities, when Kris stepped out for a breather, Bruce gathered the rest of the family for a bombshell of a meeting. He told them he’s divorcing their mom – and already has an attorney drawing up the papers.

“He said he wanted the children to hear it from him and understand why he was doing it,” says a source close to the former Olympian. “He’s so tired of living a lie. Bruce feels like he and Kris don’t even know each other anymore; he compares them to complete strangers living under the same roof.”

After the announcement, Bruce, 65, asked [the kids]… to keep his plans a secret for the time being. But Kris, 57, found out anyway. “Bruce feared her reaction would be bad, and he was right,” the insider reports. She told him she’d make his life a living hell, then packed her suitcase and stormed out in tears…”

“Everyone but Rob was receptive and supportive,” explains the insider. “The whole family was slamming Kris. They’re all thrilled that Bruce is finally filing the papers…”

“The girls have turned their backs on Kris, but Rob couldn’t do it,” the insider adds. “He called his mom and told her that Bruce is filing for divorce – and that the rest of the family is taking Bruce’s side. Kris lost it. She bawled to Rob about how she is all alone now, and Rob told her she would always have him…”

“Kris confronted Bruce – she had been drinking martinis, and she started screaming, calling him a spineless loser for going behind her back. Bruce called her a drunk and said she’s so self-absorbed that she doesn’t know how to love anymore.

“Kris brought up the deal they made about staying together for the sake of their TV show, but Bruce said he’s done pretending,” the source continues. “He straight up said he’d rather be broke and homeless than live another day with her.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition, April 22, 2013]

I don’t see Bruce filing for divorce and standing up for himself finally, he’s put up with this sh*t for over 20 years. Does it sound cruel of me to say I hope this is true though? I would love another Kardashian divorce. They’re not a “normal” family that you should root for, but I know I’m going to hell anyway.

Meanwhile, In Touch has released a collector’s edition of the “Kardashian” diaries, which are the journals of the late Robert Kardashian (Kris’ ex and Kim, Kourtney and allegedly Khloe’s father). These were released by his widow, Ellen Kardashian, who has been selling bits and pieces to In Touch for months now. As we’ve heard, the journals detail how Kris was cheating on Robert with a young, kept lover, and how she alternately ignored her kids and abused them when they were young. Ellen continues to dish the dirt about the Kardashians, and has new interviews on Radar Online too. The Kardashians are currently suing Ellen for copyright infringement, claiming that she doesn’t have the legal right to the journals. Ellen claims that Robert left them to her.

Update: of course Kris has denied all this in an overly wordy statement.

Kris Jenner is shown on April 11, April 7 with Kim and with Rob and his socks on March 16. Bruce Jenner is shown on April 6 with Brody. Bruce needs some bangs, his face looks crazy. Credit: and FameFlynet
