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Rumors of Kanye West in Ghana for Black Star Line Festival leaves the internet in a frenzy

Kanye West has been missing from the spotlight for several weeks now. However, on January 6, the 45-year-old rapper was spotted overseas at a pre-party celebration of the Black Star Line music festival in Ghana, West Africa. Kanye is reportedly expected to be a surprise guest at the music festival, which has been organized by Vic Mensa and Chance the Rapper.

Before going MIA, the artist released a song titled Someday, We’ll All Be Free in December. Kanye added one part of the original 1973 song by Donny Hathaway, alongside his own rap, to the song. This was the Praise God rapper’s first song that came after his album Donda 2, which was released in February 2022.

After news of Kanye’s appearance in Ghana emerged, the internet shared their varied reactions on Twitter. Twitterati @tex_winner wrote:


Reports assume Kanye West's recent disappearance has links with a lawsuit filed against him by his former business manager

Throughout the holiday season, there has been a shocking silence from Kanye as the rapper laid low. One report speculated that his former business manager was on the lookout for him but could not locate him.

According to legal documents, Thomas St. John, a business manager and celebrity accountant, sued Kanye over an alleged dispute regarding payment. The lawsuit has been filed for $4.5 million against Kanye.

Earlier in 2022, the rapper approached Thomas to seek accounting, business management, and taxation services. However, the Praise God singer did not pay him the monthly fees that they initially agreed on. During a meeting between the two, Thomas claimed that Kanye got aggressive and stopped paying the fee altogether.

Before Kanye was seen in Ghana on January 6, Ebenezer Donkoh, a DJ from New York, tweeted on January 5:

“I’m gathering info that Kanye West will be the surprise act at the Black Star Line Festival in Ghana this weekend.”

Following this, many Kanye fans were happy to know that the artist's might be present at the music event. One fan asked him to shift to Ghana permanently and do all the good work he wants to do in the US for the people of the West African country. Aside from that, the majority of the fanbase expressed joy at hearing the news, with some preparing to see the artist at the free concert.

People last heard from the rapper in October 2022, when Kanye West made an anti-Semitic tweet and received backlash for it. He also shocked his fans by flaunting a t-shirt that read “White Lives Matter” at his Yeezy season 9 show in Paris. In addition, the Kanye West hinted at running for the 2024 presidential election.

After his anti-semitic tweet controverys, brands like Adidas, Balenciaga, and Gap cut ties with the Praise God rapper.

The Black Star Line Festival is scheduled to take place on January 6, 2023, at Black Star Square in Accra, the capital city of Ghana. Aside from Kanye West, other artists such as Jeremih, T-Pain, Tobe Nwigwe, M.anifest, Sarkodie, and Erykah Badu are also expected to perform at the Black Line Star festival.

It's a free concert, so there will be no need to buy tickets. However, patrons are required to sign up for a pass in order to attend the music event.

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