published on in corga

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•That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in man and monkeys, and the corresponding part in many other animals; manus; paw. See Manus.•That which resembles, or to some extent performs the office of, a human hand•A limb of certain animals, as the foot of a hawk, or any one of the four extremities of a monkey.•An index or pointer on a dial; as, the hour or minute hand of a clock.•A measure equal to a hand's breadth, -- four inches; a palm. Chiefly used in measuring the height of horses.•Side; part; direction, either right or left.•Power of performance; means of execution; ability; skill; dexterity.•Actual performance; deed; act; workmanship; agency; hence, manner of performance.•An agent; a servant, or laborer; a workman, trained or competent for special service or duty; a performer more or less skillful; as, a deck hand; a farm hand; an old hand at speaking.•Handwriting; style of penmanship; as, a good, bad or running hand. Hence, a signature.•Personal possession; ownership; hence, control; direction; management; -- usually in the plural.•Agency in transmission from one person to another; as, to buy at first hand, that is, from the producer, or when new; at second hand, that is, when no longer in the producer's hand, or when not new.•Rate; price.•That which is, or may be, held in a hand at once•The quota of cards received from the dealer.•A bundle of tobacco leaves tied together.•The small part of a gunstock near the lock, which is grasped by the hand in taking aim.•To give, pass, or transmit with the hand; as, he handed them the letter.•To lead, guide, or assist with the hand; to conduct; as, to hand a lady into a carriage.•To manage; as, I hand my oar.•To seize; to lay hands on.•To pledge by the hand; to handfast.•To furl; -- said of a sail.•To cooperate.
