Three months ago, Minecraft star TommyInnit appeared on Logan Paul's podcast, where he discussed his career and life. During the show, Logan Paul and TommyInnit jested about the Minecraft streamer's income.
As the streamer is known for his hilarious and annoyingly funny comments, he maintained that persona in the podcast, which made the show much more fun to watch. TommyInnit has a massive following of over 11 million subscribers on YouTube, and 7 million followers on Twitch. He is one of the key members of many Minecraft servers, including Dream SMP.
Minecraft streamer TommyInnit jokes about Logan Paul's comment on his net worth
In Logan Paul's podcast (41:36 minutes into the video), Logan talks about how TommyInnit has made millions of dollars at such a young age by creating fun Minecraft videos. To this, TommyInnit humorously corrects him that he has made billions, not millions. This was a funny twist at which Logan and his co-host couldn't help laughing.
Many people watched the podcast interview of the Minecraft streamer and created various clips to share it further on the internet. Recently, a Redditor posted a clip from the podcast on TommyInnit's reddit page. In the clip, the streamer is seen correcting Logan Paul's comment on his net worth.
Many people reacted to the clip that was supposed to be a funny comment by TommyInnit but was taken seriously. Some comments read:
Some were impressed by how their favorite Minecraft streamer remained mature and down-to-earth while talking. They compared how he looked more mature than the two adults who were hosting the podcast.
In the aforementioned podcast, TommyInnit and Logan Paul talk about the Minecraft streamer's mindset and how he makes Minecraft content. They discussed his quick rise in popularity and how he copes with it. They also talked about what his future will look like as a top content creator on the internet.
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