Netflix’s Leave the World Behind is slated to start streaming on the platform from December 8, 2023. The Julia Roberts starrer had a theatrical release on November 22, 2023, in select theatres. Based on a novel written by Rumaan Alam, the movie is scripted and directed by Sam Esmail. Sam has taken the creative freedom to tweak the movie’s ending slightly from the novel’s ending.
Amid a worldwide catastrophe, the psychological thriller reveals how susceptible human thinking is. Director Sam has represented the unnerving crisis and the mysterious events in a different way. Moreover, he has rewritten the character of Ruth completely.
The plot of Leave the World Behind revolves around the tension rising between two families forced to cohabitate in the wake of an unexpected worldwide catastrophe. The two families represent the American society where one is an upper-middle class, white, Brooklyn family while the other is a wealthy, black, Manhattan family. The issues of race and class are evident alongside the problem of technological dependence.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the movie and reader discretion is advised.
Leave the World Behind movie ending explained
The movie, with its impressive star cast, presents Rose’s character, played by Farah McKenzie, captivated by the TV show Friends which she binge-watches during this much-awaited family holiday. However, she misses the final episode due to a complete electrical blackout.
She noticed a house in the distance that she wanted to check out in the hope of collecting some supplies for the impending crisis. However, once there, she finds a box full of DVDs of the Friends show. Instead of collecting the necessary supplies and heading home, Rose watches the final episode.
The ending hints at the shifting priorities in the modern world in the backdrop of the rising reliance on technology. The threat is dramatized to bring home the main issue while the ending is left open for audience interpretation.
Leave the World Behind book ending explained
The book’s ending has Rose coming back home with the supplies after inspecting the vanished family’s other belongings. While Ruth and Amanda, look for the missing Rose, the men take Archie to a dentist.
On the way, they meet an aloof Danny who relays other events like migrating herds of deer. With a statewide emergency declared and the President taken to a bunker, the men head back home for shelter.
The book ends with the ambiguous tone of looming danger leaving the uncomfortable readers to guess what might happen next. Since there is neither a conclusive solution nor a proper explanation of the disastrous events, the unsettling horror continues.
What is the message of Leave the World Behind?
Leave the World Behind seems to leave more than one thought-provoking message for the audience’s consideration. It explores how unexpected new bonds can be forged in times of crisis and how disasters can reshape human prejudices.
The point of the book and also the movie was an observation of various human responses in the face of danger, rather than following the simple sequence of events. While the apocalyptic setup is not new in literature and movies, the premise of the inherent fear of the unknown has been tapped by the book as well as the movie.
The movie, and the original book, bring out the questions of trust and fear related to race, class, and identity. Leave the World Behind shows how many of the biases dissolve in the light of collaboration in times of need.
Catch Leave the World Behind on screens after its selective theatrical release on November 22, 2023. The movie will be available for streaming exclusively on Netflix from December 8, 2023, onwards.
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