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How to complete, expected cost, and more

With the new promo dropping in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team, the Shapeshifters Challenge 1 SBC is live in the game, allowing players to exchange a squad for some rewards. The new series of cards presents a drastic change from the previous Team of the Season by significantly changing player positions. For the first time, the promo will also feature ICON cards, and the star-studded roster, including Pele and Rudiger, will surely stir up a lot of interest.

The Shapeshifters Challenge 1 SBC is a fairly simple Squad Building Challenge that will be available for two more days, allowing FIFA 23 players another avenue of using up some of their fodder. This is a short guide to completing the challenge with an analysis of the SBC at the end to help gauge its worth.

The Shapeshifters Challenge 1 SBC is live in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team

The highly anticipated and much sought-after TOTS promo is over, with the Shapeshifters taking its place. Unlike most of the series in the game, the Shapeshifters' cards are known to be quite different and bring upgraded cards for players with a twist. While almost all promos just give boosts to the ratings and stats, this one changes how the card plays by changing their preferred positions.

Case in point- Rudiger is considered a star defender for Real Madrid, but his special card from the promo puts him on the forward line with ST as his preferred position. With all the other cards showing similar changes, the new promo is a nice way to mix things up as FIFA 23 enters its late game.

Here are all the restrictions that must be adhered to while attempting the Shapeshifters Challenge 1 SBC, with an estimation of the fodder cost and rewards listed below.

  • Number of players in the squad: Minimum of 11
  • Leagues represented in the squad: Minimum of 4
  • Clubs represented in the squad: Maximum of 5
  • Players from the same league: Minimum of 4
  • Rare cards in the squad: Minimum of 5
  • Squad rating: Minimum of 65
  • Chemistry Rating for the squad: Minimum of 25

Estimated Cost: 3,000 to 15,000 FUT Coins across platforms

Reward: x1 Rare Gold Pack (Untradeable)

Analysis: Is the Shapeshifter Challenge 1 SBC worth attempting?

The challenge in itself might look complicated with a long list of requirements, but it should not cost a lot of fodder to complete. However, the transfer markets for PC and consoles are quite volatile at the moment, and FIFA 23 players may have better luck if they wait a bit. Of course, the price can be further reduced using existing fodder from their squads.

As for the reward, a rare gold pack might not be a big deal for FUT enthusiasts with an end-game squad, but it still has the potential to yield some good fodder. Making the Shapeshifters Challenge 1 SBC is worth it for most FIFA 23 players, especially if they can complete it without spending more than a couple of thousand coins.

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