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Every Mini-Boss location in Ark: Survival Evolved Fjordur

Ark: Survival Evolved is one of the landmark titles of the enduringly popular survival game genre, and it's still popular today. The game introduced many of the hallmarks people enjoy, and it continues to get new content in the modern-day.

Studio Wildcard's prehistoric survival adventure was one of Steam's first Early Access hits way back in 2014. The latest event in the game is the June 12 Fjordur expansion, which adds a new map and tons of bespoke content. Players have already dived into the new area and explored its landscape, but new threats hide around every corner.

Finding every Mini-Boss in Ark: Survival Evolved Fjordur

Ark: Survival Evolved features tons of deadly bosses in-between the traditional hunting, riding, and crafting gameplay. The new landscape hides three new mini-bosses, which must be unlocked with Runestones.

Players must gather 30 Runestones to unlock the chance to battle each mini-boss. This could take make the whole experience quite tedious, so don't expect to hunt down the biggest threats right away.

While the mini-bosses don't have their own instances and must be battled on traditional land, they're fairly easy to find. Players must simply follow the coordinates and be ready for a fight once they reach the terminal.

Beyla Coordinates: 04.7 - 47.2

Beyla's terminal can be found at the mouth of a cave on the main map or Midgard. Players must enter the cave and deal with very dangerous wildlife in the area. Dire Bears and Araneos above level 200 inhabit this region, as does the first mini-boss Beyla.

Steinbjorn Coordinates: 77.6 - 30.8

Steinbjorn can only be found in Jotunheim, where the land is frozen. No wild creatures inhabit his terminal, but there is still danger. Players will need to prepare for the lethal cold before entering their cave. There's only one path to this terminal, climb the mountain to head in.

Hati and Skoll Coordinates: 20.5 - 37.3

Located in Asgard, these two final mini-bosses aren't hidden away in a cave. Their terminal is out in the open, marked by a stone shrine. Head in and prepare for the battle.

What will players earn for beating the mini-bosses in Ark: Survival Evolved?

Players will need to take on the mini-bosses to enter the final levels of this new area. Ark: Survival Evolved locks its most powerful enemies behind increased levels of challenge.

After besting the mini-bosses, players will earn relics that will help them progress in the game. These relics are necessary to summon the bosses of the area and complete its final challenges.

The mini-bosses also drop a great deal of quality stuff for the player's trouble. High-quality gear and excellent crafting blueprints are almost always a part of besting these three mini-bosses.

Ark: Survival Evolved players will love taking on the new world of Fjordur and hunting down its greatest threats. Simply by following the coordinates and tracking down the terminals, one can best these bosses and earn their treasures.

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