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Best Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Inteleon PvP moveset: Item, nature, and more

Since Inteleon is the new Tera Raid Boss in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, a lot of trainers may find themselves with a new member in their collection, and they may want to try and use this new creature in the game's ranked battle mode. However, knowing where to start is always tricky when working with a new creature.

Debuting in the eighth generation as the fully evolved Water-type starter Pokemon, Inteleon has had a mixed reception from the community. While some trainers enjoyed the creature's spy-like theme, with a charm similar to that of the gaming mascot from yesteryear, Gex, others found Inteleon's design to be a bit underwhelming or downright offputting.

Feelings aside, Inteleon is a very interesting contender in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's metagame. Here's what players need to know about the creature before they commit to using it in ranked play.

Unleashing Inteleon's full potential in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Everything to know

Inteleon after using its signature attack, Snipe Shot, in the anime (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Before getting into general knowledge regarding Inteleon and its role in battle, players will want to know more about what makes the particular Inteleon found through Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Raid Battles so special. This Inteleon boasts an Ice Tera Typing as well as a hidden ability, Sniper.

Inteleon is a pure Water-type starter, similar to Feraligatr, Unovan Samurott, and Blastoise. As such, this leaves the creature vulnerable to Grass and Electric-type attacks. Since its stat spread is offensively-sided, players should avoid putting Inteleon at risk when there is a potential for attacks of this element to be in play.

Inteleon's greatest stats are its Speed of 120 and its Special Attack of 125. Because of this, Inteleon is a perfect special attacking glass cannon with a few tricks up its sleeve to allow it to trigger increased critical hit ratios. A Modest nature is preferred for the creature. However, it is unlikely that a full-crit build will be very viable until the Pokemon Home update since only Inteleon in Sword and Shield can learn Focus Energy via Technical Record.

Looking towards potential movesets for Inteleon, they differ drastically depending on the format players are looking to use it in. For singles, players should run Snipe Shot, U-Turn, Ice Beam, and Dark Pulse. However, for doubles, Inteleon should use Snipe Shot, Icy Wind, U-Turn, and Rain Dance. Both sets should take the Scope Lens as the held item.

Inteleon has the potential to really shine in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Doubles scene thanks to its high Speed stat and excellent debuffing in Icy Wind. This one attack paired with Inteleon's new Ice Tera Typing makes it not only a great way to slow down the competition, but also a decent spread damaging tool.

Thanks to its access to U-Turn, a pair of a Rage Powdering Amoongus and a Turn-One Icy Wind Inteleon should trigger a speed decrease right at the start of a battle. Only time will tell if Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's metagame is kind to Galar's secret agent or if they hang him out to dry.

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