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3 best public Lifesteal Minecraft servers

Lifesteal Minecraft servers have become increasingly popular in recent times. This is primarily thanks to viral videos showcasing the game mode on platforms such as TikTok and YouTube.

For those unaware, on Lifesteal servers, players can permanently claim health from others by killing them. For example, the killer will receive one permanent heart from the victim by killing another player. The victim is now permanently left with nine hearts, and the killer would now permanently have 11.

Anyone searching for a great public Lifesteal server to try out, the list below highlights not just one but three of the absolute best Lifesteal servers that anyone can join.

Note: This article is subjective and is based on the writer’s opinions only. The aforementioned servers were collected from server lists and other public places on the internet.

Three best Lifesteal servers for Minecraft that everyone can join

3) Mox MC

IP Address:

Mox MC is a great Minecraft network to play Lifesteal (Image via Mox MC)

Up first on this list is Mox MC, a brilliantly fun Minecraft server network with various game modes, including Lifesteal mode. This server is one of the most popular places to play Lifesteal and was even rated the best option on a dedicated Lifesteal server listing website.

Should players ever get bored of playing Lifesteal, then fret not, as Mox MC also offers a plethora of other fun game modes and activities to enjoy, such as:

  • Prisons
  • Parkour
  • Dropper
  • Maze events
  • Hide or Hunt
  • PvP
  • Tycoon

Server IP Address:

2) Lifesteal SMP

IP Address:

Lifesteal SMP is another brilliant choice for playing Lifesteal (Image via Creeper GG)

Next up is a dedicated Lifesteal SMP server appropriately titled "LifestealSMP". This server is relatively simple in its setup and is based on Minecraft SMP semi-vanilla mode with a few extra features sprinkled in.

Unlike some other Lifesteal servers, on LifestealSMP, players are limited to a maximum of 20 hearts and a minimum of 5. This levels the playing field and makes it more welcoming to newcomers.

Server IP Address:

1) Lifesteal MC

IP Address:

Last but certainly not least is Lifesteal MC, another server wholly dedicated to the Lifesteal mode. LifestealMC claims to offer the absolute best Lifesteal mode experience, boasting a fully custom-coded server core and constant updates to keep gameplay fresh.

Furthermore, this server is entirely compatible with all versions of Minecraft, meaning both Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, and even pocket edition players can connect to it.

Server IP Address:

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