Armored Core 6 is the latest FromSoftware title which revitalized the Armored Core series. Players take control of protagonist “621” as they face off against deadly adversaries in brilliant, fast-paced mech combat. One of the major draws of the game is the ability to fully customize your mech, choosing from differing parts and paint jobs.
The community has already created a series of brilliant designs that provide a unique look for these Armored Cores. Players can find 10 such great designs to replicate, along with their Share IDs, in the rest of the article below.
Note: This list is subjective and reflects the author’s opinions.
10 of the best Armored Core 6 mech designs
10) G1 Optimus Prime
The original first-generation Optimus Prime design from the Transformers franchise makes its debut in our tenth spot. Featuring brilliant red, blue, and white paint, this Armored Core 6 design is sure to bring about a wave of nostalgia among fans.
- Share ID: G105VGFJ2AWA (PC)
9) Megatron
No Transformers list would be complete without the leader of the evil Decepticons and the nemesis of Optimus Prime. As such, Megatron makes his way into our list with the G1 version. This recreation features bold purple accents complete with a beautiful Decepticon logo.
- Share ID: TU3TM46KYW9U (PC)
8) Shockwave
The deadly Shockwave makes its appearance in Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon, in a very faithful re-creation by Reddit user Fem-Atoel. This Armored Core is based on the first-generation design.
This cyber menace and Guardian of Cybertron possesses the following Share ID:
- Share ID: EQ7SC040KRWE (PlayStation)
7) Cloud Strife
Armored Core 6 allows for unparalleled mech customization, enabling skilled players to make full use of its customization menus to create mecha renditions of their favorite characters. One such Armored Core player aims to recreate Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII, right down to the (noticeably thinner) Buster Sword.
- Share ID: AF02AMV37BSP (PlayStation)
6) Exia (GN-001)
This Armored Core model aims to bring the likeness of the Mobile Gundam Suit, Exia. Exia is part of the newer Gundam series (specifically, Mobile Gundam 00), complete with his iconic sword and assault rifle.
- Share ID: 3YB7LA28DNRC (PC)
5) Zeta (MSZ-006)
No Gundam list would be complete without a mention of Zeta. Zeta is a fan favorite that originates from the 1985 series Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. Zeta features bold blue and red colors plastered over a white chassis.
4) Pepsiman
The infamous Pepsiman character from the old PlayStation 1 video game makes its debut in Armored Core 6 thanks to user YambagMcgee. Blue and white merge together to create this intriguing creation, complete with a Pepsi logo at the center.
3) Kirby
In what is perhaps one of the cutest and most monstrous creations made to date, a Twitter user has managed to recreate Kirby in Armored Core 6. The rather strange creation features Kirby's facial features and a pink/red styled mech design.
- Share ID: P7FPH8J72C2D (PlayStation)
2) Megazord
Go Go Power Rangers! Megazord enters the game with a stunning multi-colored design thanks to YouTube user Kephket. This Armored Core took a great deal of effort to create and possesses the following Share ID:
- Share ID: GCBJM9JGLX2G (PlayStation)
1) EVA-01
We saved the best for last. The EA Unit-01 from the hit anime series Evangelion takes its crown at the top of our list. The mech possesses the signature neon purple and green colors and a sleek build to go with it. Pair this with the NERV emblem for a better look.
- Share ID: Y909G13BRB6F (PlayStation)
Keep in mind that Share IDs in Armored Core 6 are not cross-platform. Each code is locked to its specific platform, with the only other option being to recreate the design manually.
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